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Hamburg – December 27th 2009, afternoon

The doors of the subway open up at the station in Hoisbüttel. Young people from all over Germany and Europe, packed with objects that – on a closer look – can be identified as guitars, binoculars, books and catering boxes, leave the station. More and more groups arrive during the afternoon, all with a common destination: the Winter Seminar of the DJN at the Rudolf-Steiner-School in Hamburg-Bergstedt.

A resident reports that one of the two annually occurring nationwide meetings of the DJN will be taking place. Young people will organise workshops and excursions of their choice without the intervention of adults. This year numerous excursions in the surrounding preserved areas and to the Wadden sea, spontaneous participative activities and workshops about different topics ranging from protection of species, felting, genetic engineering, politics and games about climate change will be offered. Foreign participants shall tell about experiences in their home countries and chosen adults, such as politicians or biologist, will give lectures on specific topics. During the evening, guitar sounds and laughter will be heard drifting from the school into the winterly darkness.

Every day, participants can be observed preparing huge amounts of delicious vegetarian and vegan food. The New Year’s Eve party constitutes the highlight of the seminar. Residents will observe increased activities outside with guitars and singing, called “Rummelpottlaufen”, a Northern German tradition. Later on there will dancing and music all night long – and everything without fireworks.

What is going on?

The 59th Winter Seminar of DJN (Deutscher Jugendbund für Naturbeobachtung – engl. German Youth Association for Nature Studies) will take place in the Rudolf-Steiner-School in Hamburg-Bergstedt from December 27th 2009 to January 2nd 2010. As every year, numerous DJN members, invited speakers and foreign guests will organise workshops, participative activities, excursions and a range of other events. Six extra-ordinarily pleasant, exciting and interesting days are guaranteed. Of course, everyone is asked to get involved and make sure the seminar will become a unique experience!

Accommodation, travel and travel reimbursement

As we will stay in a school you should take your sleeping bag, a pillow and camping mat with you. For environmental reasons we would appreciate if you could come by train. We will be able to reimburse your travel cost up to an amount of 200 € round trip.

Program ideas

– political, informative programme about different current topics such as climate, energy, nutrition, loss of diversity of species, deepening of the river Elbe etc.
– several excursions: bird watching at the sea or at the Wedeler Marsch, tree identification, natural studies
– visits of museums
– experimental lectures and discussions about topics such as specific species, bird ringing etc.
– workshops about the theoretical background for the identification of saltwater molluscs and other interesting animals
– review of the year, photo show
– creative programme, massage and handicrafts workshops
– self-made cinema with good movies

As usual, the programme will be decided upon together the evening before in order to give space for creativity and spontaneity.


Feel free to contact us,

the International Secretaries,
for further information!

(Deutscher Jugendbund für Naturbeobachtung,
engl. German Youth Asso-ciation for Nature Studies)

… is a youth environmental organi-zation which was founded in 1950. DJN is one of very few German youth associations that is exclusively ma-naged by volunteers aged between 12 and 25 and therefore independent from any parental organization.
This structure strengthens the perso-nality and self-confidence of young people because it enables them to contribute and take on responsibility at a young age.

According to the motto “Know what you want to protect” the DJN offers weekend seminars, training courses, excursions and camps all across Ger-many to impart knowledge on the multifaceted ecological correlations and to encourage respect towards nature’s gifts and sustainability in everyday life.

The DJN is a member of JANUN (Jugendumweltnetzwerk Niedersach-sen, engl. Youth Environmental Net-work Lower Saxony) and YEE (Youth and Environment Europe).

Join us!